About Me

I am a first-year CS Ph.D. at Stanford University advised by Professor James Zou and Stefano Ermon. Before that, I received my B.S. in Math and Computer Science at Yuanpei College, Peking University, under the advice of Professor Liwei Wang and Di He.

I am interested in making machine learning tools more powerful in scientific problems through theories, algorithms design, and high performance computing. If you are interested in my research, please feel free to contact me!


Selected Publications

  • (Nature Machine Intelligence) A computational framework for neural network-based variational Monte Carlo with Forward Laplacian
    Ruichen Li*, Haotian Ye*, Du Jiang, Xuelan Wen, Chuwei Wang, Zhe Li, Xiang Li, Di He, Ji Chen, Weiluo Ren, Liwei Wang
  • (NeurIPS 2023, Oral) Towards Revealing the Mystery behind Chain of Thought: a Theoretical Perspective
    Guhao Feng*, Bohang Zhang*, Yuntian Gu*, Haotian Ye*, Di He, Liwei Wang
    [Paper] [Video] [Slides]
  • (ICML 2023, Oral) On the Power of Pre-training for Generalization in RL: Provable Benefits and Hardness
    Haotian Ye*, Xiaoyu Chen*, Liwei Wang, Simon Shaolei Du
  • (AISTATS 2023) Freeze then Train: Towards Provable Representation Learning under Spurious Correlations and Feature Noise
    Haotian Ye, James Zou, Linjun Zhang
    [Paper] [Code] [Video] [Slides]
  • (ICLR 2023) Discovering Latent Knowledge in Language Models Without Supervision
    Collin Burns*, Haotian Ye*, Dan Klein, Jacob Steinhardt
  • (J. Chem. Phys. Aug 2023) DeePMD-kit v2: A software package for Deep Potential models
    Jinzhe Zeng, Duo Zhang, …, Haotian Ye, …, Weinan E, Roberto Car, Linfeng Zhang, Han Wang
  • (NeurIPS 2021) Towards a Theoretical Framework of Out-of-Distribution Generalization
    Haotian Ye*, Chuanlong Xie, Tianle Cai, Ruichen Li, Zhenguo Li, Liwei Wang
    [Paper] [Code] [Video] [Slides]

Selected Awards

  • Weiming Scholar of Peking University (1%), 2023
  • Person of the Year of Peking University (10 people/year), 2021
  • May 4 scholarship (1%, Rank 1), 2021
  • National scholarship (1%, Rank 2), 2019
  • Leo Koguan scholarship (1%), 2020
  • Merit student pacesetter (2%), 2019
  • Chinese Mathematical Olympiad (First Prize, Rank 7 in China), 2017